Day 29: Week Five Blahs

On a surprisingly cool(79ºF) day and evening, seven men and women made it past 60 miles. Vasu Duzhiy was the day leader with 66.9 miles. Scotsman William Sichel turned in another fine effort with 64.75 miles. He is starting to have a powerful rhythm to his stride and his determination. The humidity was high all day, but showers held off until just before midnight. Jayasalini Olga Abramovskikh from Moscow took day leader honors for the ladies with 60.35 miles. She remains firmly in seventh place overall. Sarvagata Ukrainskyi passed 2000 miles(28 days+11:10:29)and in doing so ran his second 1000 miles about an hour and a half faster than his first. So much for wearing down. Have a good week friends.