Day 32: Follow Your Heart

With only 20 days left, it is make or break time. Either you are all in, or out. Fitness is there, but the right amount of rest is crucial. Our intrepid runners pushed hard and were greeted with better weather and some good results. Sarvagata Ukrainskyi continues to run well and quickly along the sidewalk course. He reached 74+ miles again today, equalling his best day so far. Vasu Duzhiy was the only one who tried to follow Mr Ukrainskyi and made it to 69+ miles. Stutisheel Lebedyev had 67+ miles and Pranjal Milovnik reached 65.3. William Sichel again amazed us with 67.5 miles and is climbing closer to being on pace again. Jayasalini and Sarah Barnett each had 60.91 miles to carry the distaff side. And Ray Krolewicz reached 60.91 miles in a burst of inspiration and song. It will be pleasant for a few more days so miles should be available to collect. It must be the ‘El Nino’ effect. Either way- “Go Runners”.